Hope/The Mirror Of Erised

Halloween night, I decided to watch the first Harry Potter film. Whilst watching, a line of dialogue spoke straight to me:

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-Dumbledore, towards Harry in regards to obsessively looking into the Mirror Of Erised (a mirror that shows the viewer their deepest most heartfelt desires!)


This made me think immediately about my own little dreams that won’t happen and how I have to face reality – including my wish for long hair.

It does not to do dwell and dreams and just live in hope. Living as such does not solve my problems long term (though they may do temporarily – like the mirror made Harry happy for a time). I must face reality and battle on, try my best with what I have… be realistic about what’s infront of me/what’s a part of me :D.

Harry had to face that his parents were not truly there (again) and ultimately, his desire to be with them once more in the way he wanted, would not come true… I’m having to come to terms with the reality of my condition, Trichotillomania.

This isn’t a sad post, I’m quite content… it’s just good to have something reaffirm my thoughts, in something I adore so much.

Thank you, Dumbledore. <3.

If you don’t know what Trichotillomania is, I have a YouTube channel you can visit:


What Makes Me Happy?

Having suffered with Depression, I truly do value when happiness comes my way.

Here is a list of things that make me happy, in no particular order.

1) When I looked out of my windows in London.

2) Hot chocolate and chips (though preferably not together as below!).

3) Harry Potter related things, such as memorabilia and watching the films.

4) Blaring specific music in my ears through my headphones.

5) Ice Cream

6) Hugs/Cuddles (though most preferred with people I love!)

7) The Film “Ever After”.

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8) Cats/My babies (All of them!)

9) Buying and wearing vintage jewellery


10) Getting into bed after an extremely long day, or when I’m exceptionally tired.