A Happy Day


I’ve been okay for a few months, not depressed, but not particularly happy. Even though I’m on the mend, for me, happiness still isn’t a regular emotion. I rarely experience happiness, so when it comes my way, I explode! It’s almost as if it’s a birthday present, I look forward to it, crave the rare day it occurs and by golly when it comes, it’s beautiful. I find that there is a difference between being happy and being completely overwhelmed in good feelings!

Today was a good day and one of those rare days where I stopped in my tracks and realised that I was feeling “happiness”.

Good things that happened today:

-My day started with a commute into London, I bumped into a childhood class mate (whom I haven’t seen for a decade), we talked for an hour on the train. I giggled, was confident, stayed off the phone and just enjoyed having someone to talk to.

-I can’t elaborate, but I had a good business meeting!

-I opened an email with good news.

-I found a set of health pills (skin/hair/nails) I’ve been waiting a while to buy!

-A man kept smiling sweetly on the train to me.

-It was my last day at my Film School!

-I received lots of compliments from students about my hair, that haven’t seen me in 10 weeks.

-I went into Lush, talked with a clerk for an hour about products, my hair loss. I also purchased two things.*

-A person bestowed on me a kind gesture and bought/gave me a second tub of one of the products I had said “would go on my Christmas list”, in Lush. The way in which this gift was received was most touching! It made me cry on the tube when it happened! (This is even more special to me, because of what it was and how it connects to my Trichotillomania).*

-I talked with people I haven’t seen for months.

-Collected post that has been missing for at least half a year.

*There is more to these things, but I’ve summarised in this post.

Now these things may seem small to you, but to me, each of these things is important and has contributed to this feeling of wellbeing and happiness this evening. Although this won’t last for too long, it’s been a happy day/period and I’m so grateful it’s happened.


This post may seem a little odd to some, but if you know me well, you’ll appreciate how much it means to me x.

Getting Better?

Photo 1: 2012, one of the lowest points in my life.

Photo 2: 2014, about to finish my degree and start a new chapter of life!

Being open about my past depression still causes trouble for me, despite being well and feeling the best I’ve felt in years. People think me ill, or that I’m lying about how I feel when I say I’m good. People still treat me wrongly or with cruel attitudes, as mental health still faces severe stigma in society. Whenever I express stress or sadness, people immediately assume I’m suicidal or severely depressed and there’s an influx of patronising responses.

It upsets me, that I’m obviously a different person to my past and I’m making such progress with my hair and health… but people still treat me as they do and throw the “mentally ill” card at me.

Right now, I’m the best that I’ve been in several years! Please see that although my past content (such as videos, blog posts, tweets) are still online, I am not that person anymore. I’m who I am now.

Hello! Let’s start again!

Hello old friends, good to see you all once more on good old blogging land!

For those of you who are new to my blog, hey there and hi! I’m Rebecca, known as Beckie0 online and I’m a YouTube Vlogger from the UK!

This is me, with my spiky hair: Awesome, no?


Anyway, despite there being little content on here at the moment, I’m not new to blogging – I’m just revamping an old passion of mine. Throughout my teens, I blogged on Blogspot and then WordPress, pouring out my heart online!

Unfortunately, a few years ago, I felt it best to private my online diary due to my illnesses and mental health. For 4 years, I tended to focus more on expressing my thoughts through Tumblr and my YouTube. However, they haven’t quite quenched my itchy-to-blog fingertips! So, I’m back with a blogging vengeance!

I’m on the mend, my hair is finally growing again (no more baldness!) and life is much better than before. Surely that’s a good reason to recommence the blogging?!

I wish to spend posts talking about my life, interests and adventures, but just incase you are new to me, I guess I need to give you a quick 10 facts about me:

1) I am 21.

2) I have 5 cats, yes you heard me – I’m well on my way to being a cat lady.

3) I talk like Hermione Granger.

4) I’m due to complete a BA in Practical Film-making in October!

5) I have Trichotillomania – complex hair loss condition.

6) I was born and bred on Doctor Who. (Fave is Peter Davison!).

7) I LOVE Enya/Imogen Heap/Enigma/00’s Coldplay!

8) I’ve suffered from Depression (boy I have some stories!)

9) I wear a variety of wigs!

10) More than quarter of a million people follow me online (across all social media!)

Goodness, it feels great to be back writing in this box of mine!

I would very much like you to join on this journey with me! I will be blogging more formally I supposed, but blogging nonetheless! There are so many things in my little life that I want to share with you, or show and this is the place to do it!?

You can also follow me here:




Trich YouTube

